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What makes cultures different: change or stability

You all have read or heard “The only constant is change.”

That’s right that the world is always changing. The pace of change will vary but change is always there. Immobility is not an option.

Given this, you might think that everybody should embrace change. However, this is not the case. And how you see change is mostly cultural.

Some cultures, usually the ones that attach a lot of importance to the past, tend to be less positive about change. It is not that they want immobility. It is that they are more cautious about change. They want it to be gradual, incremental and based on what is already there. These cultures are more risk averse and are not likely to make drastic change. They like to stay within the same paradigm rather than undergoing a paradigm shift.

In contrast, other cultures are more eager to implement wide-ranging, paradigm shifting change. They value innovation and creativity.

It is not that one side is better than the other. It is important to be able to change at the right pace to follow external changes around you and improve regularly. Organisations and societies will fall behind if they cannot change. On the other side, it is also important not to change just for the sake of change. People need some times of stability to adapt to the change and analyse if it actually works. The best is to be able to find the right balance between change and stability.

This is particularly true when you are in a culture different from yours in terms of welcoming change. If suddenly, you are in a new place and try to impose a too fast pace of change, it will not work. You need to slow down to allow others to follow.

On the other side, if you are reluctant to change and are now in a setting used to fast and frequent change, you will need to learn to accept change more and go with the flow. You will gain nothing at all resisting the change that is coming anyway.

As with many other things, when it comes to change, an open communication with all parties involved is absolutely necessary, being ready to change or adapt to the pace of change.

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